James is a highly experienced economic development professional with 15 years experience working in research, analysis, and policy development in the public sector. He worked for eight years for a Local Enterprise Partnership and Combined Authority in Yorkshire, where he led work on developing intelligence and insight to inform major strategies including the Strategic Economic Plan and Local Industrial Strategy. He also designed and delivered programmes of research into issues such as productivity, innovation, business support and trade. He has held policy, communications, and research roles in local government.
As a Principal Consultant, James brings his broad range of technical, analytical and project management skills to his work with Steer ED, alongside a detailed knowledge of national, regional and sub-regional economic policy. This background informs his work on developing evidence-based local economic strategies, evaluation and econometrics.
James is currently providing 12 months policy and research support to NP11 focused around developing pan-northern digital and clean growth policy and supporting the Northern Evidence Network. Other recent/current projects include developing a new economic strategy for North Yorkshire and developing a Shared Prosperity Fund business case for business support and digital skills programme in the North West.